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Sunday, 20 November 2022

The five most effective yoga poses for reducing acid reflux

 These yoga poses can help with acidity.

Acidity, often known as acid reflux, is a frequent ailment that results from excessive stomach acid production. In most cases, the stomach's acid breaks down the meal, but occasionally the stomach secretes too much acid. Acid reflux and heartburn are caused by the lower esophageal sphincter's (LES) or the muscle ring's failure to prevent the acid from moving up the food pipe. The discomfort and agony in the stomach are further signs of acid reflux. Acidity can be brought on by improper chewing of your meal, not drinking enough water, smoking, and poor eating habits. Usually, For the treatment of acidity, a doctor may prescribe antacids. Acidity can be treated at home with a variety of methods. By performing certain yoga positions, you can treat acid reflux or other forms of indigestion.

Read: Yoga for Beginners

1. Paschimottanasana, (Forward bend pose)

The forward bend stance, or paschimottanasana, is a fantastic yoga posture for the abdominal organs. In addition to treating digestive issues and promoting healthy organ function, this position will also aid with menstrual cycle control and belly fat reduction.

How to execute: Begin by taking a seat on the floor, your legs out in front of you, and your hands by your sides. Make sure your spine is straight and your core is active. Try reaching your toes now with your extended hands. Try to hold them if it makes you comfortable. Hold this position for roughly five minutes, then switch back to your starting position. around ten times.

2. Supta Badhakonasana (Reclining butterfly pose)

The Supta badhakonasana, also known as the reclining butterfly pose, is a powerful asana for body cooling. Additionally, it is a useful asana for the management of PCOS.

source: yogabasics.com

How to execute: Lay down on the ground with your feet extended to start. Now, squat down and unite your feet at the soles. Engage your abs and bring the heels closer to your pelvic region. Keep your hands by your sides, palms towards the ground. Return to your starting position after three minutes of holding this position.

Read: These yoga poses will keep your heart in good condition.

3. Marjaryasana (the cow-and-cat position)

The Marjaryasana, also known as the cat-cow pose, will increase blood flow throughout your body and massage your digestive system. Your body will stretch and unwind in this position.

source: pixahive.com

How to execute: On your hands and knees, place your palms beneath your shoulders to begin standing on all fours. Take a deep breath in and raise your chin and tailbone. Bring your tummy closer to the ground. Exhale, rounding your spine and lowering your head and tailbone to the ground. You should draw your pubic bone forward. Now go back to your starting place. Five times through, repeat these two processes.

4.  Vajrasana (Thunder bolt pose)

You can avoid acidity and improper digestion of the food by performing vajrasana right after eating. By enhancing blood flow to the stomach and intestines, this asana will enhance digestion.

source: femina.in

How to execute: Begin to crouch on the ground. Put your heels back and recline. Maintain a straight back and head, and place your hand on your knees. For around 10 minutes, maintain this posture while focusing on your breathing. Take a seat like you normally would.

Read: What You Need To Know About Yoga

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana  (Half spinal twist pose or Half lord of the fishes pose)

One of the finest yoga poses for bodily detoxification is Ardha Matsyendrasana. It will enhance digestion, eliminate toxins, and lessen acidity. It will also promote blood circulation.

source: vecteezy.com

How to execute: Begin by sitting upright and extending your legs in front of you. Keep your hands to the sides and your spine straight. Now, bend your left knee and pull your left foot up toward your pelvis in the manner of crossed legs. Bring the right foot over the left knee while bending your right knee. Your left knee and right foot should be in close proximity. Bring your left arm across your right knee as you now twist your upper body.

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