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Tuesday 14 March 2023

How to Start a Hair Care Routine

Maintaining healthy, strong, and lustrous hair requires regular hair care practises. Especially if you are new to hair care, developing a routine can seem intimidating. But by taking a few basic steps, you can get started right now. We'll provide you advice in this post on how to begin a hair care regimen that suits you.

Understanding Your Hair Type

Understanding your hair type is the first step in beginning a hair care routine. You can have straight, wavy, curly, or coily hair. Different approaches to care are necessary for each type of hair. Straight hair, for instance, needs less moisture than curly hair. Knowing the type of your hair can help you choose the right products and how frequently to wash it.

Shampoo and Conditioner

Any hair care programme must start with shampooing and conditioning. It's critical to use the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Look for shampoos that are made with natural components and contain no sulphates. To nourish your hair, conditioners should include substances like shea butter or coconut oil.

Hair Masks and Treatments

The general health of your hair can be improved with hair masks and treatments. For instance, deep conditioning masks can replenish moisture and fix harm. Your hair can be strengthened by hot oil treatments as well. You can maintain healthy hair by using hair masks and treatments in your hair care routine.

Styling Products

You can use styling tools to get the hairdo you want, but if you use them incorrectly, they could harm your hair as well. Damage and accumulation can result from using too much product or applying it too closely to your scalp. Use only a small amount of the style products that are best for your hair type.

Heat Styling

Your hair might become damaged from using hot styling products like straighteners, curling irons, and hair dryers. To minimize the damage, use a heat protectant spray before styling your hair. Avoid using heat styling tools every day and consider using a lower heat setting.


Regular hair trimming is necessary to keep your hair healthy. Split ends can cause hair breakage and make your hair appear dull. Schedule a trim every six to eight weeks to keep your hair healthy and free of split ends.

Diet and Hydration

Your hair's health is closely linked to your diet and hydration levels. Eating a balanced diet that includes protein, healthy fats, and vitamins can help to nourish your hair from the inside out. Keeping your hair hydrated can also be achieved by drinking lots of water.


The maintenance of good hair also depends on getting adequate sleep. Stress can cause hair loss and damage, and it can be brought on by lack of sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night to keep your hair healthy and strong.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

The frequency of washing your hair depends on your hair type and your lifestyle. For example, if you have oily hair or work out frequently, you may need to wash your hair more often. If you have dry hair, you may need to wash your hair less frequently. Aim to wash your hair every two to three days to maintain a healthy scalp and hair.

Can You Overwash Your Hair?

Yes, you can overwash your hair, which can cause dryness and damage. Overwashing can also strip your hair of its natural oils, which can lead to an itchy scalp. Avoid overwashing by washing your hair every two to three days and using a gentle shampoo.

Can You Repair Damaged Hair?

Yes, you can repair damaged hair with the right care. Incorporating deep conditioning treatments and reducing heat styling can help to repair damage. Trimming your hair regularly can also help to prevent further damage.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

The amount of time it takes to see results from your hair care routine depends on the current state of your hair and the changes you make to your routine. If you have severely damaged hair, it may take several months of consistent care to see significant improvements. However, with regular care and patience, you should start to see healthier, stronger, and shinier hair within a few weeks to a month. Remember to be consistent with your routine and adjust it as needed to meet the needs of your hair.

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