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Thursday, 29 December 2022

Yoga for Diabetes: 15 Best Pose Benefits for Managing Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a metabolic illness that is easily avoidable by following a healthy fitness regimen. Diabetes can be totally prevented or effectively treated with yoga.

Here are a few effective yet useful yoga poses for managing diabetes.

The Top 15 Yoga Poses to Treat Diabetes

The greatest yoga positions for managing diabetes are listed below for daily practise:

1. Paschimottanasana

It's rather simple to start practising yoga while seated and bending forward. Before beginning more difficult positions, this yoga improves your flexibility in addition to helping to cure diabetes.

2. Mandukasana 

source: healthunbox.com

Frog posture, also known as Mandukasana, is another beneficial yoga pose for people with diabetes since it increases flexibility. Additionally, this pose helps with digestion issues and constipation.

3. Surya Namaskar 

The world is now aware of the advantages of Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar is actually a yoga sequence made up of 7 different poses.

4. Kapalbhati Pranayam

source: zeenews.india.com

Kapalbhati Pranayam is another yoga asana that effectively treats diabetes. It enhances respiratory functions and your breathing while also lowering your blood sugar.

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana 

This name translates from Sanskrit as "Half Lord of the Fishes Pose," and it refers to a seated, half-twisted position that is good for diabetic patients. This position stimulates digestion and expels toxins from the body.

6. Dhanurasana 

This yoga posture to treat diabetes strengthens your digestive system and positions your body in a bow shape. For those wishing to reduce their weight, this stance is beneficial. Dhanurasana also enhances digestion and hunger.

7. Savasana 

The corpse pose is also known as Savasana or Mrtasana. This pose should be the last one you do throughout your yoga session to help your body relax. It works well to regulate your body's blood pressure and sugar levels.

8. Viparita Karani 

The name of this yoga position for managing diabetes already indicates that it is a reversed position. Your body's blood circulation, which regulates blood sugar levels, is improved by this yoga.

9. Bhujangasana 

Yoga's Bhujangasana, often known as the Cobra Stretch, is excellent for managing diabetes and toning your stomach. This position extends the abdomen, shoulders, chest, and lungs.

10. Halasana


Another great yoga pose to treat diabetes is halasana. It also keeps diabetes under control and revitalises the thyroid glands.

11. Sarvangasana

This Viparita Karani version is used in yoga to manage diabetes. The entire process is comparable to Viparita Karani yoga. To make your body stand on your shoulders in this stance, you must, however, raise your torso higher.

12. The Setu Bandha Pose

It is also known as bridge posture, and it is a yoga practise that effectively treats diabetes. Stress and moderate depression can both be relieved by setu bandha asana. Additionally, it enhances blood circulation and digestion.

13. Pawanmuktasana

source: freepik.com

Also known as the wind-relieving pose, it is one of the greatest yoga positions for managing diabetes. The belly is lowered by Pawanmuktasana.

14. Purvottanasana 

This yoga pose, which helps treat diabetes, is comparable to the plank posture. This pose helps to strengthen the legs, arms, back, and core and is the perfect counterpose for the four-limbed staff pose.

15. Adomukhi Svanasana 

Adomukhi Svanasana, often known as the Downward Dog pose, is another powerful yoga posture to treat diabetes. This position strengthens the bones while promoting blood flow to the brain.

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