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Saturday 7 January 2023

31 Strategies for Improving Emotional Health


1. Maintain a gratitude and success journal. Include 3 items for which you were thankful and 3 accomplishments you made each day.

2. Sip some coffee to get your day going. Consuming coffee is associated with lower rates of depression. If the caffeine in coffee prevents you from drinking it, try a healthy beverage like green tea.

3. Plan a vacation. It can involve going camping with friends or visiting the tropics. For up to 8 weeks, just the act of making travel plans and having something to look forward to will make you happier overall.

4. Play to your advantages. Build your confidence by doing something you are competent at before taking on a more difficult activity.

5. Maintain a cool environment for restful sleep. Between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for sleep.

6. "Take the first step; you don't need to see the full staircase." – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Consider an area of your life that you would like to enhance, and consider what you can do to move in the correct direction.

7. Try a new cuisine, compose a poem, create art, or take on a Pinterest project. There is a correlation between creative expression and general wellbeing.

8. Show someone in your life some love. A happy, healthy life depends on having close, high-quality relationships.

9. Every few days, reward yourself with a few pieces of dark chocolate to increase your brainpower. It is believed that the flavonoids, caffeine, and theobromine in chocolate combine to increase mental clarity and alertness.

Read: The 9 Best Ways to Be More Confident

10. "There is no greater suffering than carrying a narrative inside of you that hasn't been revealed." — Maya Angelou Use the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike to share your experiences with mental illness or recovery on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. See what others are saying by visiting this page.

11. There are times when we don't need to add new hobbies to increase our enjoyment. All we need to do is enjoy the ones we already have. Trying to be upbeat doesn't imply disregarding life's less desirable aspects. It just entails emphasising the good as much as possible.

12. Do you feel anxious? Spend around 20 minutes colouring to help you relax and take a journey down memory lane. For optimum results, choose a geometric pattern that is a little challenging. View a huge selection of cost-free colouring pages here.

13. Allow yourself to laugh. Spend time with a humorous friend, enjoy a comedy, or browse charming videos online. Laughing lessens anxiety.

14.Go offline For one day, leave your smartphone at home to avoid being constantly interrupted by emails, alerts, and other notifications. Spend time together doing something enjoyable.

15. While cleaning the house, dance around. In addition to helping you complete chores, dancing raises endorphin levels, the body's "feel-good" chemicals, and lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone.

16. Feel free to yawn. According to studies, yawning increases mental clarity and alertness while also cooling the brain.

17. Unwind once a week in a warm bath. To relieve aches and pains and raise magnesium levels, which can be reduced by stress, try adding Epsom salts.

18. Have you been bothered by anything? Let everything out on paper. Writing about distressing events might lessen depressive symptoms.

19. Visit with a furry companion. Spending time with animals reduces cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes happiness. Hang out with a friend who does if you don't have a pet, or consider volunteering at a shelter.

20. "What lies within us is more important than what lies before us or behind us. Miracles take place when you share what is inside with the outside world. Thoreau, Henry David Remaining "in the present" is a mindfulness practise. Try these suggestions.

21. Explore your own town as a tourist. People frequently just visit tourist destinations on travels, but you could be surprised by the amazing things that are right in your own backyard.

22. Consider preparing your meals or choosing your workweek attire. You'll gain control over the upcoming week and gain some time back in the mornings.

23. Include some omega-3 fatty acids in your diet; among their many advantages, they have been associated to lowered risks of schizophrenia and depression. Fish oil pills are effective, but consuming foods high in omega-3s, such as wild salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, also promotes the growth of good gut flora.

24. Practice forgiving others, even if it's only forgiving them for cutting you off on the way to work. Forgiveness is associated with improved mental health and higher levels of life satisfaction.

25. "What seem like catastrophes are frequently the origins of fortune." – Disraeli Try to see the positive side of a recent incident that you thought was really bad.

26. Are you anxious? Smile. Smiling can help you relax and lower your heart rate, even if it's not always the most natural thing to do.

27. Send a thank you note, not for a material gift, but rather to express your gratitude to someone. Gratitude in writing is associated with greater happiness.

28. Have a picnic, visit a park, or play a game with friends and family. When people spend 6-7 hours with friends and family, they are 12 times more likely to feel cheerful.

29. Spend 30 minutes outside, whether it be a hike in the woods or a stroll in a park. According to research, spending time in nature can promote wellbeing, lessen depression, and increase energy levels.

30. Try your best to spend 15 minutes outside and remember to use sunscreen. Vitamin D, which scientists consider to be a mood enhancer, is created by sunlight.

31. "Anyone who has never failed has never attempted anything new," the saying goes. — Albert Einstein Make room in your life for adventure and excitement by attempting something outside of your comfort zone.

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